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Youtube Virality Analysis


The aim of our project is to analyze the characteristics of viral videos given any topic.

The motivation behind it comes from two points of view :


If known the characteristics of videos under sensitive topics like the Anti Muslim Videos or the Blue Whale Challenge, the government can strategize its mitigation topics efficiently as they can know where the videos are prone to affect more, which channels are more likely to post negative content, which users are likely to post provoking content etc. 

Youtube User 

Before uploading a video, people can know what characteristics are likely to make their video go viral like what type of words in the title are more likely to entice people to watch your video, should the description of your video be abstract or elaborated, what should be the length of your video etc.


We have built an application which when given a topic, analyzes most popular 50 videos under that topic taking into account the following features :
  • Content of the video(Positive Content or Negative Content)
  • Public Reactions to that video(Likes, Dislikes, Views)
  • Title
  • Description
  • Uploader
  • Verified channel or unverified
  • Duration
  • Comments of the video and their sentiment
The 50 most viral videos have been selected based on the following :
  • Likes/Views Ratio
  • Likes/Dislikes Ratio
The application works for any topic but we have done in-depth analysis on the following two topics :
  • Anti Muslim
  • Blue Whale



 We obtained a lot of graphs in our analysis, some of which are as under :

Polarity of videos(Negative Content or Positive Content)

Comments Sentiment Analysis

The main observations we recorded are as follows :
  • The videos of Blue Whale Challenge were much more popular than the Anti Muslim Videos. This can be attributed to the fact that it was a new topic and the Anti Muslim has been a topic of discussion for a long time now.
  • Around 93% of the comments under the Blue whale challenge were of positive polarity compared to only 56% in the Anti Muslim section. This suggests that the views of the people were united and positive in the case of Blue Whale and differed in the case of Anti Muslim. Analyzing the negative polarity videos, we found lots of negative and hatred borne comments against Islam and Muslims and blaming them for terrorism etc.
  • Out of the 50 videos, 4 were of negative content in the Blue Whale Challenge and 7 were of negative content in the Anti Muslim section.


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