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[yeah our very own logo]

How many times a day do you visit Facebook or Twitter? I know my own answer, and it's not very pretty. I'm sure that if not you, you may at least know a person who is hopelessly addicted to these virtual black holes (yeah yeah, people pointing their fingers at me are "very clever" ๐Ÿ˜). .In today's day and age being addicted to them is considered normal. In fact not being addicted to them may result in you getting the stink eye. Social media has gained such deep roots into a daily life, you may find details about a person even he himself doesn't know.



Naturally following the cool thing and jumping on the bandwagon, we have a lot of people now, who post anything and everything online, ranging from their current location to their favourite movie or hate memes about an institution or a professor (wink-wink). In all the fervour of posting stuff, we inadvertently may upload things which may make us regret our own life decisions and choices and we, at team TweetyLeaks are out with a vengeance to find and exploit every poor soul who can fall prey to us (evil laughter incoming "bwahahaha").

So at the beginning of the project "Scam every poor soul we can", we 'Samaritans' had a team meeting and decided to focus on those who posted about their medical sickness. Our first order of business was thinking if it was even possible? As we obviously aren't Nigerian princes with money stuck in banks, we had to think up a way to exploit those poor souls (let's call them lucky guys from now on). Luckily we came up with an even more devious idea.

Now to understand the beauty of our idea you first need to have a functioning imagination ( now this is how you counter bots ๐Ÿ˜).


Imagine you are a person with cancer, as a guy who sees into the future and counters everything, you obviously don't have an insurance policy and every insurance company who initially wouldn't previously wouldn't bugger away and ensured you would die the very next day now avoids you as just looking at you will cause their company to crash. So being the Samaritans that we are we could come in with our very REAL insurance policy and boom, those lucky guys won't even know what hit them.
Now I know you might be thinking, "Oh you smart Samaritans, we don't believe you, tell us how to do it". Ohh we know your kind, trying to dupe the dupe masters. We know you are trying to steal away the idea from us and start a startup (reverse psychology ๐Ÿ˜‡).


Alright alright we'll still give you our method๐Ÿ˜….
Here it is:
For a couple of bamboozled lucky guys, all you need is :

  1. A valid Twitter account
  2. A jobless "friend"

It's that simple.How to do it is:

  1. First, go to any online media(We took twitter).
  2. Skim through all posts and try thinking up keywords which you think the lucky individuals may use ( Yay I always told my mom that I wasn't wasting time on Facebook but was doing my project)
  3. Then get all the posts with those keywords in it.
  4. Now as people put up junk online too, try to filter it out by removing spam links like "bit/ly" or RT.
  5. Now get the links to other social media they have put up (cause spamming them on just one social media just doesn't sit well with us).
  6. Then sit down you jobless friend or a bot (incoming tech savvy comments) to reply and sit back and count as the dollars roll in.
Now as we know how hard working you are we came up have done this (albeit the last step for legal reasons (Mummy, I don't wanna go to jail)).
We first up with great difficult wasted our time on twitter with Donald Trump memes found out all the keywords which could be used. Some of them are as below
Then using these keywords we got around 30,000 tweets (read woahh.....) and then being the caring guys we were tried to see what they tried to say. Here is it :
Looking at the cheerful things they tried to say, we were further motivated and tried to see which affliction they had and plotted it.
And with further hopes of spamming them more and more, we extracted all the links to other social media they had put up and plotted it:
Now that all the initial preparations are done, time to move onto the next stage.
Being the tech-savvy guys we were we created a bot (read woahh....) which found the aforementioned guys and both tweeted and direct messaged them at a jaw-breaking speed of around 100 users in a minute.
As none of us had any guts to go to jail (yeah yeah call us cowards), we didn't scam anyone and had this as our final stage. Now what we have is a bot which can scam the pants off any lucky guy who interacts with it.
Now comes the final stage.
Project presentation Stage:

We went into the presentation with an awesome poster as below:
Being as I have repeatedly stated Samaritans, we had gifts for our visitors as a bookmark with our motto - "Stay safe be safe" and a pollution mask to counter the crippling pollution.
As you can see in the photo below 
Also in order to fuel our huge egos, we had everyone write their reviews and arranged them and showcased them to rub it in the faces of the other teams ๐Ÿ˜Ž. 
Here are now a bunch of photos of people who visited us:

Look at them enjoy our sweet gifts ๐Ÿ˜„

Ayy, if it isn't our beloved Sir
Final Remarks:
This was an awesome project to work on which turned out quite well, in spite of all the mishaps we had at the beginning. We tumbled from idea to idea changing it about 4 times and finally landed on a great idea with the help of sir and then worked on it like crazy in the remaining 3 weeks. We would like to thank sir for the patience he showed to us and for guiding us when we were frustrated and had almost given up. Thank you Sir.
Group photo : 
The members in order from left to right are:
Tanishq, Sourav, Pranav, Vanshit, Prashant.


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